Monday, January 16, 2006


I would like to encourage you, if you have not signed up for the retreat yet to do so this Wednesday. It's a great way to make new friends and become more involved in The Point. It is a lot of fun. There are lots of opportunities for fellowshipping and breaking loose and having fun, as well as times of great worship and teaching. It really is an awesome time of growing, having fun and coming in to a deeper relationship with God. Hey if you are lucky you might even get J.J. to break out of character and do his monkey bit! What a riot! (ask to see the videos!)

The guest speaker at this retreat is Richard Jones. Richard was a pastor at the Joyce Meyers Ministry called the Dream Center in St. Louis, Missouri. Richard has a calling on his life to bring the good news of the love and grace of Jesus to those around him. You won't want to miss this dynamic speaker and all his fun southern terms that make him a truly entertaining speaker. Beyond entertainment Richard goes deep to the core issues that God lays on his heart at any given time. Not afraid to rock the boat in spiritual lives, Richard has a way of giving you new spiritual eyes to see where God is working in your life. Richard has a gift that God has imparted to him and he will be sharing that gift with us at the Point retreat. Click here for the link to his web site

Sign up at The Point this Wednesday night.


Troy said...

that retreat was awesome. all i'm gonna say... awesome...

Schwabby said...

Are we advertising the Point Blog anywhere?
